Pricing Investement

Capturing your FOREVER memories

The Experience

When you book a session with me, you are booking an experience! Each session is unique and tailored to your family's needs. I want you to live in the moment, let your guard down-- Just BE! Let's capture the real moments of your family's raw CONNECTION and unconditional LOVE!

I will let you just flow with the vibe of your family. I'll prompt and guide you to have fun, be relaxed, and embrace the honest moments.

So let's have some fun, give all the snuggles and all the tickles, bust out some crazy dance moves and silly smiles, so we can catch to true moments.

All sessions will start about 1 hour before sunset, so we can shoot in the golden hour glow, which is most flattering! All clients have access to my client closet (for women to little ladies) and detailed styling assistance for the whole family.

Family-Maternity-Newborns-Love Stories-Children-Seniors

Fine Art Collections

I would be honored to tell your story like it's never been told before.

The Complete Story


Most popular collection


-Pre-session consultation

-Up to 1 hour of coverage

-Full album (60+ artistically edited high-resolution digital images)

-Full access to client closet + guided styling

-Private online gallery

-Print Release

-$100 non-refundable retainer (applied toward your session)

-Full session fee due 24 hours before session

*Extended Family (please contact me)

Bump to Baby Bundle


-Pre-session consultation

-Full access to client closet + guided styling

-2 outfit changes

-Up to 1 hour Maternity session


-Up to 2 hours for Lifestyle Newborn Session

-40 artistically edited High-resolution digital images from EACH session

-Private online gallery

-Print Release

-$100 non-refundable retainer (applied toward your session)


$650 On-call Birth

$500 First 48

Have something else creative in mind?

These aren't one size fits all, I get it! I offer customized packages upon request! (Ex: births, newborn, engagements, seniors, elopements, etc.)